Education & Career

To help Club members achieve academic and professional success, Club programming provides opportunities to become proficient in basic educational disciplines and apply learning to everyday situations.



The Club has been undergoing a technology upgrade to ensure that we offer the most up-to-date facilities, hardware and software for our members. Our Technology Center helps us put that equipment to use by teaching Club members advanced, yet practical technology skills. Members explore not just what computers do, but also how they work and how they can be used to ensure success in school and the workplace.



reading-is-fundamentalResearch shows when kids do not read over the summer, they can lose up to two grade levels of comprehension. RIF’s goal is to boost the reading achievement of elementary school children–especially low income and rural students–by stemming “summer slide.” Statewide, thousands of youth participate with 83% showing reading skills gains, compared with 57% of children in the RIF national study.




library-volunteerMentoring Programs link members of the Club with positive role models among staff, volunteers, and local community members. The goal of Mentoring is to provide consistent support, guidance, and concrete help on a one-to-one basis and to encourage mentees to improve academic achievement, school attendance, explore career goals, explore college and scholarship possibilities, solve life issues, and improve self-esteem.